Check out the article here!
Check out the article here!
"I Have A Dream" Foundation Joins Michelle Obama for College Signing Day
We are excited to announce that Dreamers across the country will be participating in First Lady Michelle Obama's College Signing Day on April 26th. The national event is part of the First Lady's Reach Higher initiative, and celebrates high school seniors choosing to pursue higher education on the day they formally "sign" with their chosen college. Dreamers from our New York Metro program and a Dreamer all the way from Denver, Colorado will be joining 4,000 other New York City high school seniors at a NYC College Signing Day event hosted by the First Lady, Michelle Obama. The New York event is one of over 500 local events being planned in communities across the country.
Dreamers from Denver, CO; Boulder, CO; Miami, FL; and New York City will be graduating High School and enrolling in college in the Fall. This year's graduates will be attending schools all over the U.S., including Boston University, Colorado State University, University of Colorado Denver and Boulder, New York University, Syracuse, Manhattanville College, and multiple SUNY colleges.
Younger Dreamers in Boulder, CO; Portland, OR; Newark, NJ; and Miami, FL will participate in College Signing Day events as well, as part of the college-going culture the "I Have a Dream" Foundation promotes. Every year, the Boulder County program holds a College Signing Day photo contest, where Dreamers from each site take photos to show their excitement about college. The Portland program will be leading College Signing Day celebrations in a whole school, holding a special lunch celebrating graduating seniors to promote a college mindset throughout the younger grades.
View the Press Release
You can view our full press release here.
Follow the Campaign
Be sure to keep an eye on our social media on the 26th! We will be joining students across the country by posting to hashtags #collegesigningday and #bettermakeroom. Shares are always welcome and encouraged!
Join In
Post photos in your own college gear to the hashtags #collegesigningday and #bettermakeroom. Be sure to tag "I Have A Dream" Foundation National on Facebook and @ihdfnational on twitter so we can share your posts!
Spotlight on Seniors
Chelsea Bueno
New York Metro Dreamer Chelsea Bueno grew up in the Ravenswood Houses and Queensbridge Houses in Long Island City before moving to Jamaica, Queens where she attends George Washington Carver High School for the Sciences. After her move, Chelsea often commutes almost an hour to attend programming at the "I Have a Dream" Foundation - NY: Ravenswood Program. She has successfully earned a full-ride sholarship to attend Manhattanville College in Fall 2016. Chelsea has always been interested in public service as well as the medical professions and would like to pursue a career as an Occupational Therapist.
Dulce Cabrera
Denver Dreamer Dulce Cabrera has been accepted to both of her colleges of choice and plans to attend the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs to major in engineering. In 2015, Cabrera represented the Weill Class at the National Dreamer Conference in Boston and also received the Colorado "I Have A Dream" Foundation's prestigious Summit Award in recognition of academic excellence, triumph over personal obstacles, and personal commitment to the betterment of her community. Along with her Advanced Placement English classmates, Cabrera makes weekly visits to local second graders to improve their reading skills.
Please join us for our Bowling for College event tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19th from 6pm-9pm!
Purchase tickets here:
The “I Have A Dream” Foundation" (IHDF) is teaming up with the 1:1 Fund to profile three of IHDF’s Children’s Savings Account (CSA) programs. We’ll be hearing how each of these programs uses the college savings account program to support their student’s college goals.
Check out the full post here: