Stony Brook Tour - Chelsea Elliot II

On Wednesday February 17th, we, the students of Chelsea Elliott II “I Have a Dream”
Foundation, went on a college trip to StonyBrook University in Long Island. The campus was
huge, and thanks to the sorority Lambda Theta Alpha, we managed to visit all the major
buildings essential to college life. The Student Activities Center is where we started, which held a dining hall and places that hold student events. The library, of course, had over a million books and several resources to guide you through your college career. The Fitness and Recreation center proved to be very efficient with its amount of gym equipment, and the many dining halls on campus had plenty of food options. “I like the variety of cultural foods,” Said Derek Criollo, a junior at La Salle Academy. “They had American, Asian, and Caribbean cuisines. You can even get free breakfast after 12am during finals week!”

The dorms let none of us down with its adequate and cozy style. And of course the Stadium,
which everyone loved, represented Stony Brook’s pride and spirit as a school.
“I’m definitely applying here.” Gregory Thompson and Jason Criollo said after the tour was
over. After lots of walking around the gigantic campus, we finally got on the bus and headed
back to Manhattan. As we drove away, I also thought that this will be a school I'm definitely
applying to in September! Go Seawolves!


Tiamen Montgomery
A junior at Cathedral High School

College Workshop Day

On January 9, 2016, staff members from our Ravenswood II and DeHostos Programs held a workshop for all of our returning Dreamer Scholars (college students) who were home for their winter break. Forty students attended our workshop titled, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, in a cozy classroom located at Hunter College. The goal of this workshop was to engage students in a number of smaller, informational workshops and to open up a dialogue about their college experiences.


Students started the day off by completing a survey that asked them to rate their college experience socially and academically and how supported they felt (on a scale of 1-5)  at home and by “I Have A Dream”-NY. The students then formed small groups and discussed what they enjoyed most about their college experience so far, what they didn’t like, and what most surprised them. Many students seemed to be enjoying their college experience overall yet realized that the workload was much more intense than what was required of them in high school. One student who is attending SUNY Canton commented on how going to school upstate has exposed her to “different people and new ideas”. Discussing their college experiences amongst their peers allowed for them to connect and share their thoughts and feelings, realizing that many of their fellow college students felt the same way.


After a short lunch break, volunteers from the Junior Board arrived and the students were then given an informational presentation about the Work Is Success Internship Program (WISIP). WISIP was created by the Denver, Colorado “I Have A Dream” affiliate. “I Have A Dream” - NY has decided to launch a pilot program for Dreamer Scholars for Summer 2016. The program consists of a 6-8 week paid internship that is focused on cultivating the students’ professional and social networks, expanding their knowledge in the industry of their choosing, and gaining firsthand experience in the workplace. Students were very excited about this opportunity afforded to them and were eager to learn the next steps. Students needed to complete an application and a first round interview in order to be accepted into the program.


To prepare not only for our Work Is Success Internship Program but for prospective employment opportunities in the real world in general, students worked in small groups with staff members and Junior Board members on updating their resumes and cover letters. Junior Board members demonstrated incredible commitment to the students by aiding them in brainstorming career options, answering all their queries, and looking over their resumes. The Junior Board exemplified great positivity and enthusiasm while working with students and the students in turn were grateful for their assistance.

Our workshop came to a close after a short workshop on filling out the FAFSA once again. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” went off without a hitch! Thank you to all of those who came out to help and support our Dreamer Scholars!