"I Have A Dream" - New York is grateful for the many corporate, foundation, government, individual, and nonprofit partners who provide support for our programs, connect us to resources, and provide dynamic new experiences for our Dreamers. None of our work would be possible without you.
Corporate Partners:
Capital One Bank*
CVS Caremark
Foundation Partners:
David Gordon Louis Daniel Foundation
The Thomas and Jeanne Elmezzi Family Foundation*
The Heidtke Foundation*
The Eugene M. Lang Foundation
The Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, Inc.
MAXIMUS Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
The Pinkerton Foundation
The May & Samuel Rudin Family Foundation
The Sandra and Lawrence Simon Family Foundation
Solon E. Summerfield Foundation
Laura B. Vogler Foundation
Yearley Family Foundation*
Government Partners:
New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA)*
New York State Child and Adult Care Food Program
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation
Individual Partners:
Timoteo and Nell Acosta
Bruce Azus
Karen and Jeffrey Bank
Tyler Barnett
Lynne Bermont
Neda and Barry Birbower
Doori Chung
Jacqueline Cook
Jane and Alan Cornell
Kevin A. DiBona
Maria and Jason Drattell
Deborah and Ronald Eisenberg*
Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg*
Jeffrey Feil*
Amy Feinstein*
Carol and Richard Feinstein*
Jeffrey and Debra Feinstein*
Robert Flynn
Charles Gately
Yvette Giove
Jackie Gosin*
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jay Grossman, Jr.
Paul O. Hirschbiel, Jr.
Ingrid and George Horowitz
Agnetha E. Jacob
Fred Jacobs and Michael Lewis
Joey Jacobs*
Susan and Stephen Jeffries
Christopher Kraus
Stacey and Curtis Lane
Howard Levine
Shelly and Neil Mitchell*
Brooks Olbrys and Paola Lozano
Max Pizer and Claudia Bonn
Marina Schreiber
Anthony Scotto
Andrew Sklover
Stuart and Kim Spodek*
Brian Steinwurtzel
Robert Sterling
Ronald Taylor
Candice Walker
Joseph Westcott
Francis Williams*
Joyce Williams and Andrea Fletcher
Nonprofit/Community Partners:
City University of New York: Black Male Initiative
College Access Consortium of New York, Inc. (CACNY)
IMPROV Music Program
New York State Afterschool Network (NYSAN)
Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York
Partnership for After School Education (PASE)
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Urban Upbound (Formerly ERDA: the East River Development Alliance)
Young Nonprofit Professional Network (YNPN)
* Denotes Cohort Sponsor