Defeating the Beast

Today we have a special blog post from a Ravenswood Dreamer, Tyquan Gary, who shared his college admissions essay with us. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!

Tyquan Gary, 12th grade

Below is the essay I wrote for my college applications. I came up with the idea for my essay from an admissions officer from Adelphi University. I met him at a college application workshop through the “I Have a Dream” Foundation. He talked about how he read so many boring essays at his job, but that he once read an essay using a metaphor that was really interesting. Once he explained what that student did, I knew I could use a metaphor to make my essay better. Writing the essay it took a lot of time and patience, but with my Program Directors helping me to get my ideas out, it made it easier to get to the final draft.

The Beast -

I have been going up against “the beast” for the past three harsh years, and now as my biggest enemy it won’t be defeated.  We have crossed paths many times and every time I come close to slaying this beast, I lose.  This summer I have been sacrificing fun to work hard and dedicate myself to beating this monster.  I go to bed early and I wake up early.  I travel in a crowded car.  I train for three to six hours.  During the training I am tired and exhausted.  It goes down like this every day.

The beast is called the Integrated Algebra Regents.  This summer I signed up for a program known as College Focus at Laguardia Community College.  It’s a program for rising seniors who scored below an 80 on their Integrated Algebra Regents exam.  I joined the College Focus program because I need help in exterminating this beast.  I’ve taken this test four times and I have still failed to get an 80. Passing my Regents with an 80 or higher will keep me keep out of a remedial class in college, according to the New York City college guidelines. I don’t want to pay to learn high school math in college, and I don’t plan on staying in college an extra year. I would rather just do my best now to stay away from those classes.

This summer my vacation has been postponed to stay in this chaotic city and try to get work done.  The nice weather, pool, and open space are missed.  But, knowing what I need to do to move on to the next stage in life, I must overcome these distractions and get to business. Getting up in the morning commuting to the school is hard considering I never had summer school. Instead of sleeping in late like all teens love to do, I’m up early on the always-delayed 7 train, which feels like a clown car with hundreds of people.  Friends and family aren’t making this journey any easier. My friends want me to stop studying and chill with them. My family wants me to spend time with them.  I don’t want to let friends and family down, but I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do.

I want to become an entrepreneur, but starting a business is very difficult. The most obvious difficulty is money and where it is going to come from. I know recent college graduates might not earn enough money. With the experience of the College Focus program I’ve realized that I have to choose between what I want to do and what has to be a priority.  I’ve also realized that using the resources around me will help me get closer to my goal.  Knowing what I have to do motivates me to overcome any obstacles in my way.

As I walk to the castle I am comfortable and not scared until I walk inside. While entering the dark dusty castle all I hear is my footsteps echoing up and down the hallway. When I make my way to the room, me and the beast have a stare down.  The beast starts to slither its way towards me and I start to become worried.  Now that the time has come for us to fight, the beast strikes and the attack leaves me paralyzed with fear and anxiety.  I’ve received the ok to begin the test but my hands don’t want to move from their positions.  I waste time trying to calm down and think.  I start to become very frustrated and I can’t think clearly.  As I realize that I must not give up on my goal and not let anything stop me, my mind comes into focus, I remember my training, and I do what I have to do.